Friday 6 December 2019


But as his health recovered he recorded the album Dieu "God" , on which he appears more spiritual and religious, on tracks such as "Heal Me", about his illness and recovery. The album, with its hit single "Rendez Vous", was a huge success, and Blondy was later to receive his first Gold Disc in Paris. After two more years in Paris, Blondy returned to his homeland in , with a new album, The Prophet. Since then he has recorded albums and singles, such as " Yitzhak Rabin ", in memory of the Israeli prime minister who was assassinated in this was accompanied by a grueling tour of Europe , the single "Journaliste en Danger" from his album Elohim. It especially hopes to bring joy and hope to children who have been affected by civil wars, former child soldiers, and those who suffer from chronic life-threatening illnesses, such as sickle-cell anemia , malaria , asthma , etc. Alpha Blondy was born to a Muslim father and a Christian mother, and was brought up by a grandmother "who taught him to love everyone". alpha blondy sebe allah y e

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. At this point, he was continuously touring.

alpha blondy sebe allah y e

The WailersThe Solar System. The "Bob Marley of Africa" travelled to the island of Jamaica and recorded the title track of this album with Marley's backing group, The Wailers. Retrieved October 15, It especially hopes to bring joy and hope to children who have been affected by civil wars, former child soldiers, and those who suffer from chronic life-threatening illnesses, such as sickle-cell anemiamalariaasthmaetc.

Overcrowded conditions at the concert resulted in at least 20 people being injured, two of whom died. In Akwaba was released. The album, with its hit single "Rendez Vous", was a huge success, and Blondy was later to receive his first Gold Disc in Paris.

In an unprecedented move, the Grammy Awards permitted him to send a representative in his place of honour.

As of March a peace agreement was signed and implemented, due to the hard work of many people including Alpha Blondy. However, due to the political situation in Ivory Coast, he was unable to personally attend the award ceremony in New York City.

Please help by adding reliable sources. He formed a band in high school, but this hobby affected his schooling and he was expelled due to poor attendance. He spent thirteen months there and moved to the United States to improve his English.

This song is a tribute to the victims Martinique of the crash of alha Augustto remember this event and to help the AVCA, the association of the victims of the air disaster, to raise funds. This section of a biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Alpha Blondy. The Foundation strives to alah and implement grassroots programs at the village level, blonyd as the Women's Self-Sufficiency Micro Loan Program, to teach women who are caring for multiple orphans how to start and manage their own business, to better provide for their families, as well as other sustainable projects, such as the Tafari-Genesis Retreat Camp for Children Ivory Coast and Burkina Seebe.

Since then he has recorded albums and singles, such as " Yitzhak Rabin ", in memory of the Israeli prime minister who was assassinated in this was accompanied by a grueling tour of Europethe single "Journaliste en Danger" from his album Elohim.

His new album Revolution had a lighter, gentler sound; this album featured cellos in the instrumentation, and the line-up included veteran Ivory Coast singer Aicha Kone. Views Read Edit View history.

Alpha Blondy - Wikipedia

Alpha Blondy live at Tilburg, Netherlands, But as his health recovered he recorded the album Dieu "God"on which he appears more spiritual and religious, on tracks srbe as "Heal Me", about his illness and recovery.

At the beginning ofworn out from a world tour, Blondy succumbed to depression and was taken into an institution for psychiatric help.

Retrieved January 21, Akyeampong; Henry Louis Gates. Convinced his label was too focused on the international market, he decided to create his own label. He has also participated at many humanitarian and charity concerts, such as the concert in Senegal in March for the eradication of Malaria in Africa where he appeared along with many other celebrities.

alpha blondy sebe allah y e

Released in Januarythe Roots Reggae Library featured an edition on Alpha Blondy with interpretations and translations of songs in all languages, including those in Dioula. InBlondy released a hits compilation and went back into the studio to record the album Grand Bassam Zionsinging in six languages: He strongly believes in helping the poor Jah Gloryand also that children should not be hurt.

Alpha Blondy

After two more years in Paris, Blondy returned to his homeland inwith a new album, The Prophet. Alpha now reaches out further with the sebbe created not-for-profit, non-government, non-political, charitable foundation, Alpha Blondy Jah Glory Foundationwhich works towards ending social injustice and generational poverty by giving people the tools that they need to help themselves.

alpha blondy sebe allah y e

Retrieved March 27,

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